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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Things You May Not Have Known About Facebook

In case you haven’t noticed, Facebook likes to change things up every now and then. Whether it’s new features, design tweaks, or a completely new layout, Facebook is constantly trying to improve their sites design and ease of use.

Since things can change rather frequently, it may be hard to keep up with the changes. Below list a few things about Facebook that you may not have known about.

1.    Facebook only allows you to have 5,000 friends
 If you are super popular, you might not be allowed to be friends with everyone you know. Granted, the average user probably won’t ever come close to 5,000 friends, but we could see how this might be a problem for celebrities. Luckily, these people can create a Facebook fan page, which doesn’t have a limit. Fan pages are great for business. Find out more about how they help.

2.    You can easily remove the photos in your photo strip
If you can’t stand that new photo your friend tagged you in, there’s an easy way to remove it from the photo strip that shows up at the top of your profile. Simply hover the image and click the x to remove it. It won’t remove the photo altogether, but at least you won’t have to look at it every time you view your profile.

3.    You can send targeted messages to your fans
Do you have a fan page? Facebook allows you to send targeted messages to your fans based on sex, age, or location. This is a great way to promote events in a certain location or current deals that may only apply to a certain group of people. To do this, go to edit page>resources>send an update. Then click the check box that says “target this update”.

4.    You can feature who your fan page likes
Your Facebook page can like other pages. These pages are displayed on the left side of your page. You can select which of these pages you would like to feature from the “Edit” page. Select “Featured” from the left column menu and “Edit Featured Likes”. Then just add a check to the pages you’d like to feature; you can choose up to 5.